Friday, 01 January 2021

Watch Song Reborn

by Stefan Attard

You can also watch the video about on YouTube.

Though living through restraints brought forth by the pandemic, Schola Cantorum Jubilate still celebrated its twentieth anniversary. Stefan Attard, Choir Leader, came up with the idea of holding a drive-in virtual Christmas Concert that resulted in the first-ever v-concert in the Maltese Islands.

Music enthusiasts attended this drive-in pandemic-free concert at St. Augustine’s Square in Victoria, Gozo (Malta). They had the opportunity to listen to the carols thanks to a specific broadband frequency transmitted on the car radio.

The v-concert featured Schola Cantorum Jubilate and its younger sections of SCJ Children’s Choir and the SCJ Teenage Boys’ Singers. All choirs, pianists, trumpeter and the Cordia String Quartet were under the direction of Marouska Attard. The concert included 3d-mapping and the latest visual techniques created by Mad About Videos. The recording was entrusted to Richard Sound Design Studio. Around 90 people were involved in the whole production that was held across 7 days with 14 shows.

This event was one of the main events held during the Christmas season 2020. It was well attended and highly acclaimed.

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