Caroline Marie Borg and Kevin Attard

le="text-align: justify;">Schola Cantorum Jubilate animated the Wedding Mass of Caroline Marie Borg and Kevin Attard at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mellie h a. Mass was officiated by Rev. Anton Borg while the wedding rite was administered by Rev. Alex Refalo. The bride was welcomed in the lovely chapel by the choir singing ‘Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring' (Bach). The other pieces which followed were: ‘Allelulia' (Taize'), ‘Ave Verum Corpus' (Mozart), ‘Sanctus' (Oltrasi), ‘Il-Mulej qam mill-imwiet' (Portelli), ‘Agnus Dei' (Oltrasi), ‘Panis Angelicus' (Franck) with the solo part interpreted by Marouska Attard, and finally ‘Ave Maris Stella' (Perosi). Joseph Camilleri accompanied the choir on the organ. He performed also Mendelssohn's ‘Wedding March' as recessional.


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