Tour to Italy

Venezia and Padova

30th October to 4th November 2015
Saturday 31st October 2015 – the islands and Santa Maria dei Frari

In the morning, just right after a quick espresso and cornetto, the group walk towards Fondamenta Nuova – the stage from where they got the ferry to Burano. Burano is an island thirty minutes away from main Venice. Its buildings are fascinating with bright and colourful paint. Burano is also known for lace making and the group had the opportunity to go around the island, shops and cafes. They had also the opportunity to see a bridge prepared with bows and garlands for an upcoming wedding.

Later in the afternoon, they left for Murano, another island, larger than Burano where they visited factories and shops that work glass.

After a rest at the hotel, in the evening, the group used the water bus, got to San Toma stop and walked towards Santa Maria dei Frari. This Basilica belongs to the Franciscans and among the various tombs of renowned people, there is the tomb of Claudio Monteverdi. The choir animated the mass and sitting behind the main altar, could admire Titian’s masterpiece of St. Mary. Another worth mentioning treasure in this Basilica is the wooden chorus by Marco Cozzi.

The repertoire for the mass included pieces by Viadana, Gabrieli, Mozart, Frank and Arcadelt. Moreover, following the mass, the choir gave a thirty-minute concert during which pieces by Palestrina, Tallis, Byrd, Bartolucci and Caruana were performed.

The day ended with dinner at a restaurant which offered a local mouth watering meal.

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