Saturday, 13 August 2016

Boat trip for choristers

by Stefan Attard

Though this summer is not as harsh as previous ones, the choristers still decided to hold their annual boat trip around the islands of Gozo and Comino.

The weather was not so inviting but the sailors still found the courage to spend the day on board of the Galaxy with Captain Adrian.

Right after the departure, the boat headed to the Blue Lagoon that at 9am was still free from an overload of boats. The other bathing spots were 'il-Ġebla tal-Ħalfa’, San Blas bay and St. Mary’s Bay in Comino.

It is always a pleasure to see the island from the other side and admire the coast, part of which is not so accessible from the land. Moreover, having baths in the magnificent Mediterranean is surely a five-star treat.

SCJ boat trip 2016 SCJ boat trip 2016 SCJ boat trip 2016 SCJ boat trip 2016

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