Schola Cantorum Jubilate animated a High Mass at the Basilica of Marija Bambina, Xagħra on the 3rd Day of Novena in occasion of the Parish Feast. The same mass was done also as thanksgiving to God for the 15th Anniversary of priesthood of Rev. Can. Michael Camilleri O.P. and for the 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversaries of various couples from the Parish. The choir performed the ‘Missa Cantate Domini’ by Giuseppe Oltrasi and the hymns: ‘Tfajla Helwa tal-Vitorja’ (Portelli), ‘Allelulia’ (Gregorian, arr. Frisina), ‘O Sacrum Convivium’ (Bartolucci), Pater Noster (Plain Chant) and ‘Magnificat’ (Portelli). Mro. Stephen Attard accompanied the choir on the church organ.