The newly ordained priest Fr. Stephen Attard invited Schola Cantorum Jubilate to animate his First Mass at the Mosta Rotunda in Malta. Fr. Attard was ordained by H. E. Bishop Paul Cremona on Sunday 3rd July at St. John's Co-Cathedral. At around 6pm H. L. Mgr. George Frendo, Bishop in Albania, entered the church with the Schola Cantorum singing the sacred mottet 'Sacerdos et Pontifex' by Cristobal de Morales. Later, Mgr. Frendo delivered the sermon on this special occasion. Around 20 minutes later, Fr. Stephen Attard together with a corteo which left from his residence, arrived in church. The choir saluted Fr. Stephen with the hymn 'Tu es Sacerdos' by Fr. Michael D'Amato.
Later on, the thanksgiving mass started with the introit 'L-Ispirtu tal-Mulej' composed for the occasion by Paul Portelli. During the whole liturgy The 'Missa De Angelis' a 5 voci by Bartolucci was performed. Other hymns and mottets performed were: the Psalm 'Il-Mulej hu r-Rghaj tieghi' (Portelli) which was interpreted by a relative of Fr. Stephen, 'Allelulia' and versetto' (Portelli), 'Credo' (Chant), 'Mulej Sid il-Hlejjaq kollha' (Picchi) was sung during the offerings and the Acclamation (A. D'Amato). During the communion, the choir gave an impeccable rendering of 'O Sacrum Convivium' and 'O Salutaris Hostia' both by Bartolucci and 'Fejn issib l-imhabba' (Fr. A. Borg). At recession, the choir sang the antiphon 'Ave Regina Coelorum' (Bartolucci) and the popular hymn 'Lill-Assunta Nkurunata' (Sammut). Mro. Paul Portelli, who did the musical arrangements of the hymns and who is the choir's resident composer accompanied the choristers on the organ. Members of the Jubilate Chamber Orchestra accompanied the choir during the hymns interpretations.
The Administration and all members of Schola Cantorum Jubilate would like to extend there sincere greetings to Fr. Stephen. Ad Multos Annos!