Josianne Buttigieg and Giuseppe Xerri
le="text-align: justify;">Schola Cantorum Jubilate animated the Wedding Mass of Josianne Buttigieg and Giuseppe Xerri at St. Margaret Parish Church in Sannat. The Mass started at 11.30am and was officiated by Mgr. Paul Cardona. The bride was welcomed in church by Schubert's ‘Ave Maria' interpreted by Marouska Attard. The other pieces the choir performed were: ‘Glorja u Tifħir', ‘Noffurlek Kbir Alla', ‘Qaddis' (Portelli), ‘Missierna', ‘Ħaruf t'Alla' (Portelli, and interpreted by Marouska Attard), ‘Ġbartna Flimkien' and ‘Kull Tifħir' (Taize'). At the end of the ceremony, the Jubilate Chamber Ensemble, composed of Joseph Camilleri (organ), Charleen Caruana (violin I), Pierre Louis Attard (violin II), Jacob Portelli (cello) and Carmlyn Curmi (Flute), interpreted Morricone's ‘Gabriel's Oboe' and Mendelssohn's ‘Wedding March'.